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The spread of covid-19 was a disruptive event that deeply changed the global work scenario, forcing companies to remodulate themselves to comply with the restrictions aimed at stemming the contagion. In this sudden challenge, the technology has become an essential ally to guarantee the continuity of all business activities.

The pandemic has sped up in Cugher the process of digital transformation already in progress inside the organization. Digitalization brings to introduce new instruments to make activities easier and faster, with the aim to have full control on data and to share real-time information with all the players involved: from employees, to suppliers, to customers.

Working from home allowed the personnel to work in safety without losing contact with the corporate culture thanks to constant virtual relations. Equally, Cugher has worked to satisfy its customers, by promoting web meetings through online conference platforms, to overcome the impossibility to meet in presence. The experience of recent months has even allowed the company to have more frequent and faster contacts, being closer than ever to all clients.

Always with the purpose to optimize relations and work, digital tools have been introduced and strengthened, like the new ticketing system and the remote connections for after-sales assistance, which ensure a continuous dialogue and an immediate response from technicians.

The introduction of Smart Glass was extremely innovative. The glasses allow the operator to work freely and to share the view by remote with a technician in real-time in case of checkings or problems with the machinery, or directly with the customer during the test phase of the plants

Aware of the new opportunities and in order to meet the needs of those who cannot travel, the company intends to be always more present also at digital events, from conferences to fairs, embracing the concept in which the strength of business communication is supported through web services.

Cugher supports and plans to strengthen this digital transformation, that can be considered as a journey with numerous interconnected goals, with which it is important to intermediate, aiming to a continuous optimization and to find the right connection between people and technology.

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